The Point Washington Medical Clinic, with the help of our volunteers, local donations, and national partners, has been busy treating more patients than ever before with high-quality health care. In our first ever newsletter, PWMC would like to share our Hurricane Michael aid statistics, stories from a patient and volunteer as well as upcoming announcements!

PWMC Hurricane Michael Aid Statistics

Patient Profile
In this patient profile, we spoke with Neidy a 32 year old who moved from Honduras to the U.S. just five years ago. She came to PWMC to receive treatment for abdominal pain after being turned away from other medical providers. Her story highlights the difficulties many of our patients face and why it's so important for us to be a safe space for all to come.
What is the most difficult thing for you to deal with in the US for healthcare?
“Not having insurance because no one wants to take care of you, no one wants to see you.”
How would you get insurance?
“I guess once you are in the immigrations process and you get a Social Security number I would get it with that. I'm not familiar with the process of how to get insurance.”

How did you solve your last health problem?
"I went to the referral appointment (from PWMC) to the GI doctor. He told me he couldn’t help me because I don’t have insurance. I cried. He said the only thing he could do for me was to give me his card and his "on call" schedule. He told me to come to the ER when I am in pain and he was on call and ask for him. So that’s what I did, when the pain got bad I went to the ER in Panama City. I got surgery and now I am pain free"
If you had a Social Security number could you afford insurance?
“I would have to do it.”
"To really take care of me and see me and take me through it and gave me a solution."
What was the payment like (after your visit to the ER and surgery)?
"I get different bills, $7000, $4000, $8000 so I don’t know. I don’t understand all the different bills."
What was the role of PWMC for you?
"Through you, I was able to get the surgery. You would see me and helped to figure out what was going on, why I was in pain. To really take care of me and see me and take me through it and gave me a solution. The referral was through here. It was because of you guys. You were everything, you were key. I am very grateful and thanks to you, now I have a good quality of life!"

Thank you to the Point Washington United Methodist Church for the use of the Stephens Center, giving us the space to run the clinic in!
Volunteer Highlight
We would like to say Thank You to all our volunteers. Your work has been a great force in caring for our community and we could not do what we do without you!!
Volunteer expression of her experience at the clinic:
"Volunteering at the PWMC has been such a rewarding experience. Each week when I am lucky enough to help check in patients, I am so grateful to be a part of what the clinic is offering to our community. There is a partnership and a trust between our providers and our patients that creates compliance and a commitment to the plan of care. The amount of gratitude our patients express for having someone care about them makes every second spent at the clinic worth it." - Shannon

As we approach PWMC second birthday, we want to say thank you for all of your support and if you would like to help us celebrate please donate, so we can continue to provide health care to all!!
Pictured above is the current Board Members:
Hillary Glenn - Point Washington Medical Clinic Volunteer Provider, Provider at local Urgent Care
Patsy Vargo, MD - Point Washington Medical Clinic Volunteer Medical Provider
Philip Justiss - Liaison with Point Washington United Methodist Church; Community Volunteer, At Rick Youth Mentor; Managing Director of Real Estate Capital Markets Firm
Shannon Kramolis - Community and Point Washington Medical Clinic Volunteer
Mark McDavid - Liaison with Point Washington United Methodist Church; Business Owner of Rehabilitation Therapy Services
Leigh Taub - Point Washington Medical Clinic Volunteer; Retired Healthcare Management Director
Josh Trapp - Liaison with Point Washington United Methodist Church; At-Risk Youth Mentor, Veteran of Army National Guard; Institutional Broker
Jacqueline Ward - Community Volunteer; Photography Instructor; Business Owner of Photography Company

PWMC Mission:
The mission of Point Washington Medical Clinic (PWMC) is to build a stronger and healthier community by providing "high quality primary health care regardless of the patient’s means or access."
The Point Washington Medical Clinic (PWMC) is a non-profit, volunteer-driven, no fee for service primary care clinic. The PWMC began operating in April of 2017 and is set up in the Stephens Center at Point Washington United Methodist Church on Wednesdays. The clinic is open to all members of the community at no charge and is sustained through donations.

Upcoming events
Please check our Social Media and website, linked below, for upcoming volunteer opportunities and training as well as events. We look forward to seeing you!
Open Wednesdays
7:30 am - 1:30 pm
Stephens Center, Point Washington United Methodist Church
1290 N Co Hwy 395