When the COVID pandemic began, Point Washington Medical Clinic quickly went into action putting together pandemic protocols within the clinic to protect our patients, providers and volunteers. Our director/provider, Hillary Glenn, also went to work to ensure testing could be provided to our patients and the community on a donation-only basis. Since March 18th, PWMC has tested over 2,400 patients for COVID and/or COVID antibodies, and has been one of only a few locations consistently offering testing in Walton County. The expense of buying tests, equipment and systems to accommodate the surge of patients we have seen has strained our resources beyond our normal operating costs.
Help us provide services into 2021!
Your donation today will help us ensure we can continue to be a community resource by offering testing, as well as clinical services to our community and visitors to beautiful Walton County in 2021 and beyond. Give now at: https://secure.usaepay.com/pay/5nkt6jqyfb6jyvrgb/SYDkQ6C1